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February 2005
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Aquarius (Januari 21 - Februari 18)
Born on Selasa, 28 Januari 1975
Age 28 years 8 months 7 days
You have lived 10.477 days! (until Oct 5, 2003)

Symbol: The Water Bearer
Ruling Planet: Uranus
Air - Fixed - Positive
Day Forces - Masculine
Growth Phase: Idealism
Secret Motivation: "I Know"

The sign of the Inventor, the Seeker of the Truth

Personality: Honest, popular, amiable, truth-seeking, hesitant, inefficient, humane yet suspicious, rebellious, intuitive, broad-minded and unbiased.

Positive Qualities: Honest and truth seeking, humane and caring, creative and intuitive, broad-minded, popular and amiable.

Negative Qualities: Erratic and whimsical, inefficient, eccentric, changing, unconventional and rebellious, hesitant.

Compassionate in nature - can be generous to a fault. Fixed ideas and aims. Needs plenty of space and freedom. Impersonal, has trouble with intimacy. The sign of brotherhood. Independent, realistic, practical about home. Originality, intuitiveness. Daring mentality. An idea 'pioneer' - perhaps faddist. Invention, aviation, computers, automobiles, astrology, New Age - anything new, old or different appeals to them. Humanitarian. Altruistic - but sometimes deeply self-centered. The club-joiner.

To organize - in a mental, aggressive, dynamic and idealistic manner.

Each of the 12 Signs of the Zodiac represents specific energy patterns, or modes of expression. They act as modifiers of the elements with which they are associated, be it a Planet or a House. Aquarius is eccentricity and radical individuality seeking freedom of the soul and communication with the group mind.

Those born under Capricorn and Aquarius are the Saturn type. You have a small head, beady and deep-set eyes, with prominent ears and nose. You have a weak set of teeth, and thin and lifeless hair. Slow in movement, you are conservative and methodical with serious outlook. Deeply faithful, you also have a sense of duty. However, you are not sociable and prefer solitude.

Each zodiac sign extends across 30 degree of the Zodiac. These can be further subdivided into three decans of 10 degree each. Therefore, though all those born under a particular sign are classified under the same sign, the decans yield further insight into your total personality.

You belong to the First Decan of Aquarius (Januari 21 - Januari 30).
You are ruled by both Saturn and Uranus. These endow you with the persistence to overcome all obstacles, and also with originality and creativity respectively. You will naturally do very well in the world with this practically unbeatable combination.

Your detachment and tendency to probe and examine too deeply stands in the way of your forming lasting attachments. Your emotions are actually sensual rather than sexual. You also have a love for the strange and bizarre which can prevent you from giving happiness to your mate. It is not that you cannot love deeply and sincerely - it is your need for change that may cause trouble. For this reason, marriage is not really your strong point, as a tie or bonding is not meant for you. You may outgrow a marriage, causing much heartbreak in the process. You want the freedom to go your own way, do what you want, and will resent possessiveness and interference, rebelling at the ties. However, you enjoy the interplay and counterpoise of thoughts and ideas and will welcome a flexible union with complete freedom and understanding. A tall order, but you may be lucky!

Sex plays an important role in the life of every man and woman. It lies at the root of life, and we can never learn to revere life until we know how to understand sex. Indian astrological science attributes certain sexual characteristics to persons according to the sign under which they have been born.

You are a healthy-minded person, average, and well balanced in your sex life, never making exorbitant demands.

You will always give both guidance and warmth. Basically you are a better counselor than friend with your objectivity and detachment. Yours is the sign of friendship, so even though emotionally involved you can visualize problems clearly.

The following section tells you about your compatibility with other zodiac signs in friendship, business, family or love relationships. The basic foundation will remain unchanged, though mutual aspects between planets will modify the relationship to a certain extent in a positive or a negative way.

Ideal Association (5-9 Sun Sign Pattern): Gemini and Libra
Not always, but surprisingly often, the extraordinary magnetism of 5-9 Sun sign attraction leads to easy sympathy, mental stimulation, emotional affinity, romantic fulfillment. There will be a strong sympathy between you and misunderstandings will not be severe or lasting. The chances for harmony are excellent, and a happy relationship on a permanent basis is more effortlessly achieved than with any other sign - be it friendship, business, family or love relationships. Hostile placement of planets between the two horoscopes will cause some personality clashes and tensions - causing the compatibility to rock from time to time - although the basic empathy and understanding will always remain. If the planets are in harmonious aspect, your relationships with these people will be most extraordinarily happy, smooth and sympathetic.

Ideal Association with some Problems (7-7 Sun Sign Pattern): Leo
Not always, but frequently, you either get physically attracted to or secretly admire and respect each other - in case of opposite sex. The individual possesses the qualities of character and personality traits you yourself lack. The urge to imitate will be strong. However, in case of same sex, you may become strongly competitive and feel uneasy or envious. Mutual aspects between other planets somewhat modify the relationship positively or negatively.

Compassionate Association (2-12 Sun Sign Pattern): Pisces
In your association with this individual, one of you will feel that he or she has many lessons to learn from the other. The one who has lessons to teach will feel an inexplicable compassion for the weaknesses and mistakes of the other person, strangely understanding the other's markedly different motives and behavior.

Favorable Association (3-11 Sun Sign Pattern): Aries and Sagittarius
You will feel a strong tie of friendship, whatever the association you share with these individuals. Mutual trust and ease of communication mark the relationship. In spite of strong differences, you connect closely with each other. A sense of responsibility and some sort of inescapable duty will bring you together. You will constantly stimulate each other into changing habits and existing situations. Any quarrels will usually be quickly resolved, forgiven and forgotten. Even when the association seems to be a closed chapter, it reappears months or years later, to be resumed once more.

Beneficial Association (6-8 Sun Sign Pattern): Cancer and Virgo
There will be some problem in communication. Yet you will be powerfully drawn into each other. Irresistible sexual attraction in case of a love relationship. In case of friendship, business or family ties, attraction through some shared interest. Urge for mutual help. Service given will always be repaid. In some way, a great benefit will come from one to the other through the relationship, and the one who serves will usually remain loyal.

Reflective Association (1-1 Sun Sign Pattern): Aquarius
You will each be tempted to magnify your own virtues and failings. All the positive character traits will be intensified - as will the negative traits. A constant effort should be made to encourage in one another the positive qualities of the zodiac sign you both share and to discourage the negative ones.

Unfavorable Association (4-10 Sun Sign Pattern): Taurus and Scorpio
Not always, but surprisingly often, you will feel a noticeable tension or conflict of personality in the presence of these individuals. One of you may grow restless because of the strict disciplinary attempts of the other. For various reasons, there will always be some mental and emotional restriction.

Take a quick look at what is lucky for you.

Birth Stone: Amethyst
Lucky Gems: The Opal and the Aquamarine
Lucky Colors: Black , Blue, Ash, Blue - Green And Gray
Lucky Numbers: 4, 8, 13, 17, 22, 26, 31, 35, 40, 44, 49, 53, 58 (the 4 and 8 series)
Lucky Talisman: The Key, especially if made of lead. Also the Owl
Lucky Herbs and Flowers: Pansies, Ivy, Hemp, Hemlock, Beet and Flex Seed
Lucky Day: Sunday, sometimes Saturday

Following are some of the famous personalities who were born under your zodiac sign.

1. Anton Chekhov
2. Charles Darwin
3. Thomas Edison
4. Abraham Lincoln
5. Somerset Maugham
6. Paul Newman
7. Princess Caroline of Monaco
8. Franklin D. Roosevelt
9. John Travolta
10. Jules Verne
Aquarius - Saturday, February 26, 2005 -

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